The IBM Hardware Management Console is a standalone linux based machine which provides a standard user interface for configuring and operating partitioned and SMP systems. The HMC supports the system with features that enable a system administrator to manage configuration and operation of partitions in a system, as well as to monitor the system for hardware problems. It consists of a 32-bit Intel-based desktop PC with a DVD-RAM drive.
Notes: Always consult your HMC manual. Use these commands as is, preferably in testing environment before production. They should work on many hmc/power versions. If there is some command limited to a version, it will be mentioned.
How to list the system connections. This way you can check what error you have if you are not able to see the partitions on a squadron.
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssysconn -r all
How to check if the lpars have connection with the current HMC. This is useful when you have issues related to DLPAR operations.
hscroot@gzhmc$ lspartition -dlpar
Example of working one:
<#36> Partition:<7*9117-MMA*56A3R4A, ,> Active:<1>, OS:<AIX, 6.1, 6100-06-05-1115>, DCaps:<0x2c5f>, CmdCaps:<0x1b, 0x1b>, PinnedMem:<1137>
Example of non-working one:
<#37> Partition:<4*9117-MMA*56A5R9A, ,> Active:<0>, OS:<, , >, DCaps:<0x0>, CmdCaps:<0x0, 0x0>, PinnedMem:<0>
What to do if you reconnect the management system to HMC and it is not recognized (to clear the HMC's connection history):
hscroot@gzhmc$ mksysconn -o auto
How to list 3 days of console events:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssvcevents -t console -d 3
How to list 3 days of console events for a specific lpar:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssvcevents -t console -m PARTITION -s ALL -d 3
How to list 3 days of hardware events:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssvcevents -t hardware -d 3
How to list 3 days of hardware events for a specific lpar:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssvcevents -t hardware -m PARTITION -s ALL -d 3
How to do HMC restart:
hscroot@gzhmc$ hmcshutdown -r -t0
How to list HMC version:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lshmc -V
How to list HMC hardware information, including the serial number:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lshmc -v
How to list managed systems (enter lssyscfg alone for more):
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssyscfg -r sys -F name
How to list lpars by name, id, state and current profile of LPARNAME:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssyscfg -m FRAME -r lpar --filter "lpar_names=LPARNAME" -F name,lpar_id,state,curr_profile
How to list lpars by name, id, state and current profile in a managed system:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssyscfg -m FRAME -r lpar -F name,lpar_id,state,curr_profile
How to list squadron's processors, real and virtual:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lshwres -r proc -m FRAME --level lpar -F lpar_name,curr_proc_units,curr_procs
How to list total processors of the squadron:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lshwres -r mem -m FRAME --level sys -F configurable_sys_mem installed_sys_mem curr_avail_sys_mem sys_firmware_mem
How to list total memory of the squadron:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lshwres -r mem -m FRAME --level sys -F configurable_sys_mem installed_sys_mem curr_avail_sys_mem sys_firmware_mem
How to list memory for each lpar in a squadron:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lshwres -r mem -m FRAME --level lpar -F lpar_name,curr_mem
How to display vios from all squadrons:
hscroot@gzhmc$ for FRAME in $(lssyscfg -r sys -F name); do printf "$FRAME\n";lssyscfg -r lpar -m $FRAME -F name,lpar_env|grep vio; done
How to search a partition name on all squadrons:
hscroot@gzhmc$ for FRAME in $(lssyscfg -r sys -F name); do printf "$FRAME:\n";lssyscfg -r lpar -m $FRAME -F name,lpar_env|grep PARTITION; done
How to soft reset a system running in FullPartitionMode (power4):
hscroot@hmc> chsysstate -n FRAME -r sys -o reset
How to hard reset a system running in FullPartitionMode (power4):
hscroot@hmc> chsysstate -n FRAME -r sys -o off
How to soft reset LPAR partition via HMC:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chsysstate -m FRAME -r lpar -n PARTITION -o reset
hscroot@gzhmc$ chsysstate -r lpar -m FRAME -o shutdown -n PARTITION
How to stop LPAR partition via HMC:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chsysstate -m pserver -r lpar -n mylpar -o off
hscroot@gzhmc$ chsysstate -m FRAME -r lpar -o shutdown -n PARTITION --immed
How to stop LPAR partition via HMC with dump:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chsysstate -m FRAME -r lpar -o dumprestart -n PARTITION
How to start LPAR partition via HMC (use "-b" option to start in different mode than normal, e.g. "sms" for sms menu):
hscroot@gzhmc$ chsysstate -r lpar -m FRAME -n PARTITION -f PROFILE -o on
How to connect to LPAR partition via HMC (via vtmenu or mkvterm):
1. vtmenu
2. select frame
3. select partition number
hscroot@gzhmc$ mkvterm -m FRAME -p PARTITION
How to remove an existing terminal connection:
hscroot@gzhmc$ rmvterm -m FRAME -p PARTITION
How to connect to HMC via ssh tunneling:
1. Connect to gateway as usual but with the additional options highlighted in green: ssh gateway -L 3333:HMCIP:443 (where HMCIP = THE IP OF YOUR HMC)
2. Go to your favorite browser on your station and access the following address: https://localhost:3333
How to check the current disk space on HMC:
hscroot@gzhmc$ monhmc -r disk
How to remove all temporary HMC files from all file systems:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chhmcfs -o f -d 0
How to back up critical HMC data via command line interface:
hscroot@gzhmc$ bkconsdata -r dvd
Via NFS:
hscroot@gzhmc$ bkconsdata -r nfs -h NFSIP -l /hmc/backup/
How to back up partition profile data via command line interface:
hscroot@gzhmc$ bkprofdata -m FRAME -f dvd
How to check the date and time when the last critical console data backup was performed:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssvcevents -t console -d 9999|grep 'backup of critical'
How to check the date and time when the last profile data backup was performed:
hscroot@gzhmc$ lssvcevents -t console -d 9999|grep 'Profile data'
How to make a new password policy in HMC with hscroot user:
Create it:
hscroot@gzhmc$ mkpwdpolicy –i \ "name=gzadm, \ description=, \ min_pwage=1, \ pwage=180, \ min_length=4, \ hist_size=10, \ warn_pwage=7, \ min_digits=0, \ min_uppercase_chars=0, \ min_lowercase_chars=0, \ min_special_chars=0"
Activate it:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chpwdpolicy -o a -n gzadm
Change the password:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chhmcusr -u gzadm -t passwd
Disable the policy:
hscroot@gzhmc$ chpwdpolicy -o d
Remove the policy:
hscroot@gzhmc$ rmpwdpolicy -n gzadm
How to list user's settings:
NOTE: these values are all changeable via chhmcusr command.
ibm0htz1@frmpphmb40itdnm:~> lshmcusr --filter "names=hscroot" name=hscroot,taskrole=hmcsuperadmin,description=HMC Super User,pwage=99999,resourcerole=ALL:,authentication_type=local,remote_webui_access=1,remote_ssh_access=1,min_pwage=0,session_timeout=0,verify_timeout=15,idle_timeout=0,inactivity_expiration=0,resources=<ResourceID = ALL:><UserDefinedName = AllSystemResources>,password_encryption=md5,disabled=0
What to do if you get the following error on DLPAR dynamic operations: HSCL297A There are some mismatches between pending and current values.
Assuming the memory was involved in this error, run the rsthwres command to re-sync the values.
hscroot@gzhmc$ rsthwres -r mem -m FRAME
How to free up partition resources with chhwres command in Power 7:
You have a currently active partition with 0.6 processing units assigned to it and you want to stop it and not using it for a while.
hscroot@gzhmc:~> lparls | grep PARTITION PARTITION Running hscroot@gzhmc:~> lparlscpu | grep PARTITION PARTITION 0.5
You stop the partition, normally but the 0.6 processing unit remains allocated.
hscroot@gzhmc:~> lparls | grep PARTITION PARTITION Not Activated hscroot@gzhmc:~> lparlscpu | grep PARTITION PARTITION 0.6
Use the chhwres command to free up this resource from the partition:
hscroot@gzhmc:~> chhwres -r proc -m FRAME -o r --id 6 --procunits 0.6 hscroot@gzhmc:~> lparlscpu | grep PARTITION PARTITION
Also, the partiton's profile will not be modified:
hscroot@gzhmc:~> lparinfo PARTITION PARTITION On frame FRAME Current State: Not Activated OS version: AIX 6.1 6100-05-01-2410 Profile properties: Profile properties: name=Default,lpar_name=PARTITION,lpar_id=6,lpar_env=aixlinux,all_resources=0, min_mem=512,desired_mem=20480,max_mem=34576,min_num_huge_pages=0,desired_num_huge_pages=0, max_num_huge_pages=0,mem_mode=ded,hpt_ratio=1:64,proc_mode=shared,min_proc_units=0.1, [color=green]desired_proc_units=0.6[/color],max_proc_units=2.0,min_procs=1,desired_procs=4,max_procs=8, sharing_mode=uncap,uncap_weight=64,shared
If you change your mind and have to start the lpar back, it will re-acquire the 0.6 cores without any problems and without other modifications. END!