In this tutorial you can see how to backup a volume group, move a volume group from one system to another, convert jfs to jfs2, shrink and mirror/unmirror filesystems.
In our example, the VG to backup is datavg and we will try to make an image of it from source machine and restore it to target machine.
1. Backup datavg from source machine with savevg command:
NOTE: The option "i" is needed if you want savevg to execute the command mkvgdata and create the data file /tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data. You need that if you want to alter the modification of datavg (e.g. convert jfs to jfs2, modify PP size, transform mirrored vg to normal one, etc.).
source# [color=green]savevg -eiXf /backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb datavg[/color] Creating information file for volume group datavg. Creating list of files to back up Backing up 17517 files.............................. 3790 of 17517 files backed up (21%)........................... 17517 of 17517 files backed up (100%) 0512-038 savevg: Backup Completed Successfully.
2. Verify and validate the backup image before copying it:
source# [color=green]restbyname -T -q -v -f /backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb 1>/dev/null[/color] New volume on /backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb: Cluster 51200 bytes (100 blocks). Volume number 1 Date of backup: Wed Dec 17 11:05:58 2014 Files backed up by name User root files archived: 17517 source# ls -la /backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb -rw------- 1 root system 5392998400 Dec 17 11:15 /backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb
3. Transfer the backup image to the target machine. You can use ssh, scp, ftp, wget, whatever. I leave it to you. The most important is at step 4 to have the image on target machine.
source# scp target:/backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb . target's password: source-datavg.sysb 100% 5143MB 10MB/s 0:08:58
4. In order to restore a volume group, you need free disk(s). You can restore it to as many disks as you want. The most important is to have at least the same total size as the previously backed up volume group. For example, if you want just to restore datavg to hdisk1 and hdisk2, use the following command:
target# restvg -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb hdisk1 hdisk2
Let's say you have a jfs filesystem on source and you want it to be recreated as jfs2 on the target machine. For that, you have 2 possibilities:
A. Go back to the source machine, edit the files /tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data /tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems and run again savevg command but this time without the option "i".
PS: If you do not know what exactly to modify in the mentioned files, look for a bit of explanation at the end of this article (section X).
source# savevg -eXf /backups-tmp/source-datavg.sysb datavg
Obviously, you will have to copy again the backup image from source to target server and execute the restore command below without extra options:
target# restvg -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb hdiskX hdiskY
B. Sometimes it is no more possible to go back to source machine from various reasons so you have to do everything with the existing backup image. For that, prior to restvg command, you have to restore the needed files from the same backup image. Read on.
List and restore the needed files from the backup image:
target# [color=green]listvgbackup -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb | grep -E "datavg.data|filesystems"[/color] New volume on /tmp/source-datavg.sysb: Cluster 51200 bytes (100 blocks). Volume number 1 Date of backup: Wed Dec 17 11:05:58 2014 Files backed up by name User root 3393 ./tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems 8941 ./tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data files archived: 17517 target# [color=green]restorevgfiles -r -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb ./tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems[/color] New volume on /tmp/source-datavg.sysb: Cluster 51200 bytes (100 blocks). Volume number 1 Date of backup: Wed Dec 17 11:05:58 2014 Files backed up by name User root x 3393 ./tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems total size: 3393 files restored: 1 target# [color=green]restorevgfiles -r -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb ./tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data[/color] New volume on /tmp/source-datavg.sysb: Cluster 51200 bytes (100 blocks). Volume number 1 Date of backup: Wed Dec 17 11:05:58 2014 Files backed up by name User root x 8941 ./tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data total size: 8941 files restored: 1
The files will be saved with their full path starting from the directory you are in (if you were in /tmp, your files will be here: /tmp/tmp/vgdata/datavg/) so copy them to /tmp/datavg and edit them as you want. Refer to section X (at the end of this article) for that.
Now here is the tricky part. The command restvg have the option "-d" which allows you to specify a custom data vg file (e.g. /tmp/datavg.data or whatever), but you cannot specify the filesystems file and your jfs2 filesystems will not mount because the /etc/filesystems file will be updated with the information restored from the backup image in /tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems and you will get error when executing the restore command.
target# [color=green]restvg -d /tmp/datavg.data -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb hdisk1[/color] Will create the Volume Group: datavg Target Disks: hdisk1 Allocation Policy: Shrink Filesystems: yes Preserve Physical Partitions for each Logical Volume: no Enter y to continue: y datavg lv00 loglv02 fslv00 fslv01 fslv04 [color=red]0512-035 restvg: Failed Mounting the Filesystem /jfs/mount. Restore of Volume Group canceled.[/color]
Trying to mount manually the filesystem will reveal the "why":
target# mount /jfs/mount mount: Stat of log device ("/dev/loglv01") failed
And by looking inside /etc/filesystems you will see more exactly why:
target# grep -p /jfs/mount /etc/filesystems /jfs/mount: dev = /dev/lv00 [color=red]vfs = jfs log = /dev/loglv01[/color] mount = true options = rw account = false
Furthermore, if you specify with "-d" the file in it's original location /tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data, assuming you will get the modified filesystem file too from the same path, both will be overwritten automatically with the ones from the backup image so you will arrive nowhere.
In this situation, we forget about "-d" option and follow the steps below (unofficial, probably unsupported but it simply works):
Run the command restvg but DO NOT TYPE "y"+"ENTER" when you are asked to:
target# [color=green]restvg -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb hdisk1[/color] Will create the Volume Group: datavg Target Disks: hdisk1 Allocation Policy: Shrink Filesystems: no Preserve Physical Partitions for each Logical Volume: no Enter y to continue: [b][color=red]<- STOP HERE[/color][/b]
Instead, open another terminal and copy the modified files over the ones restored from the image:
target# ls -la /tmp/datavg total 48 drwx------ 2 root system 256 Dec 18 09:45 . drwxrwxrwt 40 bin bin 8192 Dec 18 10:45 .. -rw------- 1 root system 8596 Dec 18 09:45 datavg.data -rw------- 1 root system 3395 Dec 18 09:45 filesystems target# [color=green]cp /tmp/datavg/datavg.data /tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data[/color] target# [color=green]cp /tmp/datavg/filesystems /tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems[/color] target# [color=green]ls -la /tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data /tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems[/color] -rw------- 1 root system 8596 Dec 18 10:46 /tmp/vgdata/datavg/datavg.data -rw------- 1 root system 3395 Dec 18 10:46 /tmp/vgdata/datavg/filesystems
Now go back to the terminal where you initiated restvg command and move forward (by typing y and ENTER).
Magically, the restore will go trough and you will have the desired jfs2 filesystems:
target# [color=green]restvg -f /tmp/source-datavg.sysb hdisk1[/color] Will create the Volume Group: datavg Target Disks: hdisk1 Allocation Policy: Shrink Filesystems: no Preserve Physical Partitions for each Logical Volume: no Enter y to continue: y datavg lv00 loglv02 fslv00 fslv01 fslv04 New volume on /tmp/source-datavg.sysb: Cluster 51200 bytes (100 blocks). Volume number 1 Date of backup: Wed Dec 17 11:05:58 2014 Files backed up by name User root [...USELESS OUTPUT SURPRESSED...] total size: 7735916130 files restored: 17517
target# lsvg -l datavg datavg: LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT [color=green]lv00 jfs2 48 48 1 open/syncd /jfs/mount[/color] loglv02 jfs2log 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A fslv00 jfs2 64 64 1 open/syncd /home/db2inst1 fslv01 jfs2 24 24 1 open/syncd /db2/backup fslv04 jfs2 24 24 1 open/syncd /db2/log
HOORAY, YOU ARE DONE! You have your files restore on this new system and all filesystems which were previousy jfs as jfs2.
X. This part is ONLY if you need special modifications of datavg.data and filesystems files.
Edit the file /tmp/datavg/datavg.data and modify all that you need. In my example, I just modified jfs filesystems to jfs2:
- replaced all TYPE= jfs with TYPE= jfs2;
- replaced all FS_TAG= log=/dev/loglv01 with FS_TAG= vfs=jfs2:log=/dev/loglv02.
- delete the jfslog lv stanza because you won't need it anymore.
- edit at the end of the file the stanza(s) for jfs filesystem(s) as in the example below:
fs_data: FS_NAME= /jfs/mount FS_SIZE= 6291456 FS_MIN_SIZE= 4433864 FS_LV= /dev/lv00 FS_FS= 4096 FS_NBPI= 4096 FS_COMPRESS= no FS_BF= false FS_AGSIZE= 8
fs_data: FS_NAME= /jfs/mount FS_SIZE= 6291456 FS_MIN_SIZE= 4433864 FS_LV= /dev/lv00 FS_JFS2_BS= 4096 FS_JFS2_SPARSE= yes FS_JFS2_INLINELOG= no FS_JFS2_SIZEINLINELOG= 0 FS_JFS2_EAFORMAT= v1 FS_JFS2_QUOTA= no FS_JFS2_DMAPI= no FS_JFS2_VIX= no
- modify all entries related to jfs filesystem in /tmp/datavg/filesystems like in the example below:
/jfs/mount: dev = /dev/lv00 vfs = jfs log = /dev/loglv01 mount = true options = rw account = false
/jfs/mount: dev = /dev/lv00 vfs = jfs2 log = /dev/loglv02 mount = true options = rw account = false
- If you need to create the filesystems as small as possible, you can modify SHRINK= no to SHRINK= yes.
- In case your source vg was on mirrored VG and you want to restore it on a simple one, modify on ALL LVs COPIES value to 1, and the PP value equal to the LPs value:
- COPIES = 2 to COPIES = 1
- PP= with the exact number of LPs=
Extra TIP:
If during the restoration progress you found out something is not as you want, you can simply remove datavg and start all over:
target# for i in $(lsvg -l datavg | grep -vE "datavg|MOUNT|N/A" | awk '{print $7}'); do umount $i; done target# varyoffvg datavg target# exportvg datavg