In this example, we will connect to the listener and check the value inbound_connect_timeout.
1. Check which user is used for the db then switch to it:
gzdbaix@root:/home/root # [color=blue]ps -ef | grep pmon[/color] root 17957102 9699736 0 13:02:57 pts/4 0:00 grep pmon [color=green]oragzdb[/color] 41025558 1 0 Apr 13 - 0:37 ora_pmon_GZDB lefp01simp01@root:/home/root # [color=blue]su - oragzdb[/color]
2. Verify on which listener you need to connect:
$ [color=blue]ps -ef | grep tns[/color] oragzdb 24969260 1 0 Apr 13 - 1:13 /oracle/102_64/bin/tnslsnr [color=green]GZDB[/color] -inherit
3. Connect to the listener
$ [color=blue]lsnrctl[/color] LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 16-APR-2013 13:03:23 Copyright (c) 1991, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information. LSNRCTL> [color=blue]set curr GZDB[/color] Current Listener is GZDB LSNRCTL> [color=blue]show inbound_connect_timeout[/color] Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=EXTPROCGZDB)) [color=green]GZDB parameter "inbound_connect_timeout" set to 60[/color] The command completed successfully