How to resize all images in a directory:
root@linux:~# for i in `ls *.jpg`; do convert -resize 1280x960 $i $i; done
How to convert all bmp images to jpg:
root@linux:~# for i in $(ls); do convert $i `basename $i .bmp`.jpg; done
How to combine 3 images to one in horizontal (use [i+append[/i] for vertical):
root@linux:~# convert -append 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 1-2-3.jpg
How to create animated gif from static images (-delay is the framerate):
root@linux:~# convert -delay 4 *.JPG output.gif
How to resize an image to width of 200, but keeping the same aspect ratio:
root@linux:~# convert source.jpg -resize 200x target.jpg
How to resize an image to height of 200, but keeping the same aspect ratio:
root@linux:~# convert source.jpg -resize x200 target.jpg