Create RAID 1 with missing volume (will destroy the data on the volume):
[osx@mini Volumes]$ diskutil appleRaid create mirror vbox JHFS+ disk2s2 Started RAID operation Unmounting proposed new member disk2s2 Adding a booter for the RAID partition disk2s2 Creating a RAID set Bringing the RAID partitions online Waiting for the new RAID to spin up "2134725A-668E-45C3-BBD6-AAD5FF4D1991" Initialized /dev/rdisk10 as a 477 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 40960k journal Mounting disk Finished RAID operation
[osx@mini Volumes]$ diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: 2134725A-668E-45C3-BBD6-AAD5FF4D1991 Type: Mirror Status: Online Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) Rebuild: manual Device Node: disk10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk2s2 C8F51C23-9D89-4C4D-8F5D-E41A2CAEAEF5 Online 511999967232 ===============================================================================
Remove the raid on a volume. This won't destroy the data on the partition, it will simply be converted to normal:
[osx@mini Volumes]$ diskutil ar delete vbox Started RAID operation on disk10 vbox Unmounting volume for RAID set 2134725A-668E-45C3-BBD6-AAD5FF4D1991 Destroying the RAID set 2134725A-668E-45C3-BBD6-AAD5FF4D1991 Finished RAID operation on disk10 vbox
How to create (enable) mirror raid (RAID1) on a volume without destroying the data:
[osx@mini Volumes]$ diskutil ar enable mirror /dev/disk2s2 Started RAID operation on disk2s2 vbox Resizing disk Unmounting disk Adding a booter for the disk Creating a RAID set Bringing the RAID partition online Waiting for the new RAID to spin up "B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093" Finished RAID operation on disk2s2 vbox
[osx@mini Volumes]$ diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093 Type: Mirror Status: Online Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) Rebuild: manual Device Node: disk10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk2s2 2F5FD0BB-D9CF-45B6-BEAC-DCAE2287F3F2 Online 511999967232 ===============================================================================
How to add new partition to the mirror:
Data will be deleted on the new disk - will be untouched on the existing raid volume.
[osx@mini scripts]$ diskutil ar add member disk1s2 vbox Started RAID operation on disk10 vbox Unmounting disk Adding a booter for the RAID partition disk1s2 Adding disk1s2 to the RAID Set Finished RAID operation on disk10 vbox
[osx@mini scripts]$ diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093 Type: Mirror Status: Degraded Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) Rebuild: manual Device Node: disk10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk2s2 2F5FD0BB-D9CF-45B6-BEAC-DCAE2287F3F2 Online 511999967232 1 disk1s2 1C29B1E0-C4AE-49E3-826F-624480A3208A 0% (Rebuilding)511999967232 ===============================================================================
As you can see above, the rebuilding is started. It will take a wile, depending on your disk speed and partition size. At the end, you should see this:
[osx@mini sonic]$ diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093 Type: Mirror Status: Online Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) Rebuild: manual Device Node: disk10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk2s2 2F5FD0BB-D9CF-45B6-BEAC-DCAE2287F3F2 Online 511999967232 1 disk1s2 1C29B1E0-C4AE-49E3-826F-624480A3208A Online 511999967232 ===============================================================================
How to repair a mirror raid (RAID1):
mini:~ root# diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093 Type: Mirror Status: Degraded Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) Rebuild: manual Device Node: disk3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk1s2 2F5FD0BB-D9CF-45B6-BEAC-DCAE2287F3F2 Failed 511999967232 1 disk2s2 1C29B1E0-C4AE-49E3-826F-624480A3208A Online 511999967232 ===============================================================================
mini:~ root# diskutil ar repairMirror vbox 2F5FD0BB-D9CF-45B6-BEAC-DCAE2287F3F2 Started RAID operation on disk3 vbox Unmounting disk Adding a booter for the RAID partition disk1s2 Adding disk1s2 to the RAID Set Finished RAID operation on disk3 vbox Note: Syncing data between mirror partitions can take a very long time. Note: The mirror should now be repairing itself. You can check its status using 'diskutil appleRAID list'.
mini:~ root# diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093 Type: Mirror Status: Degraded Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) Rebuild: manual Device Node: disk3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk1s2 A4D2C14C-89C8-4D22-82B2-FEF0F30AECBE 1% (Rebuilding)511999967232 1 disk2s2 1C29B1E0-C4AE-49E3-826F-624480A3208A Online 511999967232 ===============================================================================
How to enable the automatic rebuild on a raid partition:
In the example above, you can see the Rebuild is equal to manual. We want to be automatic.
mini:~ root# diskutil ar update AutoRebuild 1 vbox The RAID has been successfully updated
mini:~ root# diskutil ar list AppleRAID sets (1 found) =============================================================================== Name: vbox Unique ID: B580C0B1-6EEA-4A43-879C-49119544B093 Type: Mirror Status: Online Size: 512.0 GB (511999967232 Bytes) [color=green]Rebuild: automatic[/color] Device Node: disk3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DevNode UUID Status Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 disk1s2 A4D2C14C-89C8-4D22-82B2-FEF0F30AECBE Online 511999967232 1 disk2s2 1C29B1E0-C4AE-49E3-826F-624480A3208A Online 511999967232 ===============================================================================
How to convert a raid volume into a HFS one (will destroy the data on it):
In the example below, Apple_RAID_Offline is to be destroyed and a new normal HFS+ partition will be created.
You want to do this if, for example, you removed a volume from an existing raid set and want to make it normal.
It is not an appleRaid trick but will stay here since an Apple Raid volume is involved.
[osx@mini ~]$ diskutil list disk6 /dev/disk6 (external, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *3.0 TB disk6 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk6s1 2: Apple_RAID 512.0 GB disk6s2 3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk6s3 4: Apple_RAID_Offline 2.5 TB disk6s4 5: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk6s5 [osx@mini ~]$ [color=green]diskutil eraseVolume JHFS+ pool-bkp disk6s4[/color] Started erase on disk6s4 Unmounting disk Erasing Initialized /dev/rdisk6s4 as a 2 TB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 196608k journal Mounting disk Finished erase on disk6s4 pool-bkp [osx@mini ~]$ diskutil list disk6 /dev/disk6 (external, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *3.0 TB disk6 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk6s1 2: Apple_RAID 512.0 GB disk6s2 3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk6s3 4: Apple_HFS pool-bkp 2.5 TB disk6s4