In this situation, ssh was unable to start because the wpar was restored from standalone machine backup (mksysb).
However, even if this is not your case, you can try to see if the procedure will fix your ssh.
SSH doesn't want to start:
gzaix@root:/home/root # lssrc -s sshd Subsystem Group PID Status sshd ssh inoperative gzaix@root:/home/root # startsrc -s sshd 0513-059 The sshd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 18415656. gzaix@root:/home/root # lssrc -s sshd Subsystem Group PID Status sshd ssh inoperative
The error in errpt:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: SRC_TRYX IDENTIFIER: 1BA7DF4E Date/Time: Wed Nov 26 12:35:34 2014 Sequence Number: 23970 Machine Id: 00C402FE4C00 Node Id: gzaix Class: S Type: PERM WPAR: gzaix Resource Name: SRC Description SOFTWARE PROGRAM ERROR Probable Causes APPLICATION PROGRAM Failure Causes SOFTWARE PROGRAM Recommended Actions DETERMINE WHY SUBSYSTEM CANNOT RESTART Detail Data SYMPTOM CODE 65280 SOFTWARE ERROR CODE -9020 ERROR CODE 0 DETECTING MODULE 'srchevn.c'@line:'343' FAILING MODULE sshd
The fix:
gzaix@root:/home/root # /usr/sbin/sshd -D PRNG is not seeded gzaix@root:/home/root # randomctl -u gzaix@root:/home/root # randomctl -l
Now ssh should start and problem is fixed:
gzaix@root:/home/root # startsrc -s sshd 0513-059 The sshd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 19071016. gzaix@root:/home/root # lssrc -s sshd Subsystem Group PID Status sshd ssh 19071016 active